Updated 3-24-25
April 14-16 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the THS Cafeteria. Flyer can be viewed here.
Tryout Packet (revised 5 p.m. Saturday)
Tryout Participants: View this You Tube video so you can pre-learn for the audition.
Rules, Expectations, Contract Document
Tracy High welcomes the new Dance Team coaches Amy Ceteras and Nicole Adkins.
Cheer Tryouts This Week:
March 24-25
A 12 minute video of the 2024-25 Tracy High Cheer Team can be found at this link.
Spring Sport Schedules
Congratulations to David Goularte, Joshua Stallworth, Emiliano Chavez, and Elijah Castanon who broke a school record in the 4x200 relays with a time of 135.96 at the Jaguar Invitational on Saturday. They would then come in 1st in the Standard Medley Relay with a time of 138.5.
The Tracy High Girls Varsity also broke a school record today as Kasey Lam, Susana Mascarenhas, Juliet David, and Allison Thanh won the 4000m Distance Medley Relay with a time of 14:03.16
Photos from the swim meet vs Kimball can be found here.
The local High Schools will be hosting a Freshman Sports Orientation Night for incoming 2025-26 school year Freshmen. Join us in the Tracy High gym on Monday, May 5 at 6:00 p.m. to meet coaches and get your questions answered. Flyer here.
Boys Volleyball photos here.
Girls Softball are now 1-1 in league with a 3-2 win over Lodi on Thursday. The Bulldogs are now 8-2 overall. Photos here.
Baseball has started their season 5-6 and will start the 15 games of league on Monday at home vs Kimball. Baseball website for more info, stats, and pictures.
Boys Golf playing well in the 2025 season.
Check out their new Instagram page @tracyhighboysgolf
GoFan is the authorized purchase portal for admission to sporting events.
Want to play sports? You must be registered. Click here to enter the Arbiter Sports Registration website used by our District.
Photos of many of the THS Sports can be found here.
If you have THS sports questions or concerns please contact the Athletic Director Matt Shrout at Mshrout@tusd.net
This is where you register to participate in Tracy High sports and find other forms related to medical, insurance, and driving student athletes.
Registration portal for the upcoming Fall, Winter, and Spring Sports is open for registration. Go HERE.
More detailed instructions on the registration process can be found here.
It takes a lot of dedicated men and women willing to commit hundreds of hours a year to coach our student athletes.
Tracy High Sports Information volunteer, Stu Jossey attends many THS sporting events to document the action. He also maintains this website and other social media pages for the school and league.
Photo library here
Twitter: @tracyhighsports
Instagram @tracyhighsports
Matt Shrout, Athletic Director, 209-830-3360 ext. 2281
315 E. 11th Street, Tracy CA 95376